Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year!

The holidays are officially over and it's back to work for me...hi ho hi ho! I hope you made beautiful memories over the holidays and are refreshed and ready to tackle 2017. We made our shortest Christmas trip to the in-laws ever, 4 days driving and 5 days in Florida so we could come back and care for our sick kitty, Tigger. She doesn't have much longer and needs multiple meals a day plus meds. We made the best of our vacation time and had a blast with the family.

We spent New Year's with our FRA-MILY here in Massachusetts and are trying to get back into normal mode. I've been thinking about resolutions and goals and intentions. My word for 2017 is be in the moment and less distracted. I love the idea of picking a day of the week to unplug (baby steps...maybe an hour to start and work my way up).
Goals and resolutions are also good to have as long as they are achievable. My goals for 2017 are...I'll just share a few with you and would love it if you would share some of yours here. Maybe be can keep each other accountable, eh?
1. A family photo once a month. I have an ongoing daily photo project but noticed we don't have many as a family except for out annual Christmas card photos.
2. Scrapbook for myself once a month even if it's just ONE layout.
3. Send out more cards...they don't have to be handmade or perfect but I do need to get more out especially birthday cards to family.
4. Start a "Good Things" jar -  Fill a jar with notes of feel good moments for a year, open and read it on New Year's Eve (or Thanksgiving).
5. And this...yes please!

These goals seem achievable to me as I sit here writing this post on New Year's Day. I'll check back with you from time to time with an update on them throughout the year. Do share your One Little Word if you chose one or a goal/resolution.

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