Friday, May 20, 2016

Friday randomness

Now that the crop season is slowing down, I've been going through old photos and finding treasures like these of my boys, from way back when, with my aunt. Which begs the do you store your digital files?
Also spending lots of time at the ball field watching games, taking photos (the kids on the team even have requests) and hanging out with Diego.
And working on the yard...the weather yesterday was perfect for putting in azalea bushes and splitting hostas. Diego was around too...not the biggest helper though. He wanted to play fetch the entire time and thought the best thing in the world was to help dig out rocks. When he got too hot to run around, the best place to lay down and cool off was the area I was planting, freshly dug earth is nice and I said, not a big help :p
On the agenda today is reviewing contracts (2017 dates!!!), figuring out what to order for fall (lots of cool new stuff out) and weeding the front yard. What are you up to on this beautiful day?

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