Thursday, January 16, 2014

2014 Goals

It's Jan still counts as the beginning of the year, right?  And therefore, I can still be setting 2014 goals for myself and Time2Scrap, right?  So here goes...
  • Scrap a layout a week - I used to scrap for myself when I ran monthly all day crops.  Now that my schedule is too busy for all day crops, I haven't been scrapping for myself.  I fit it in with the Make-n-Takes and layout kits I design but it's not the same.  So, I will scrap more for myself this year. 
  • Blog more - I have 2 blogs, one is my personal blog and the other is this one.  I have fallen behind on both of them.  This blog has been getting some attention, the other one sadly still needs some work.
  • Take at least 3 crafty classes - I am signed up for Stenciled at and am really looking forward to it.  Also on my list is a Copic class.  The third, I will know it when I see it ;)
  • Sign up for Mailchimp for newsletters.  It shouldn't change anything is you're signed up for my mailing list, it will just make the process easier for me.  Keep an eye for it in February.
  • Cards for Yan - Last year, at a few crops, I offered a card Make-n-Take and donated the proceeds to a little boy, Yan, who is fighting cancer.  This year, my goal is to keep helping with your help.  I'm working on something and will share it here when I have a concrete plan.
That's it...2 that needs to be accomplished ASAP and 3 that will be year-long goals.  3 are more business related and 2 that are crafty...all of them do-able. Better go get my scrap on...I'm already behind on the scrapping goal.  Do you have any crafty goals for yourself?


  1. Definitely not late to set your goals and those are awesome goals for sure! For my crafty goals I have 1. Use what you have 2. Finish current projects before starting new (this is especially for my sewing where I have 5 UFOs) 3. Layout and block of the month challenge - each month do a 2 page layout (using what I have of course) and a different quilt block.

    1. That sounds like some great goals! I'd love to see pics of your blocks.
