Tuesday, July 2, 2013

June Just Scrappin' was a BLAST!!!

Looks like when things get busy around here, the first thing to go is this blog.  Especially when it's not crop season.  Jean and I hosted our first summer crop and it went off without a hitch.  So awesome when that happens...makes it worth the planning, packing and negotiating.  We didn't get the turn out we hoped for but those that did turn out were a great group of ladies.

The best part of the weekend was getting to spend an entire weekend with a WONDERFUL group of ladies.  THANK YOU...we could not have done this without you!!!  Second best had to be the food especially the outdoor BBQ bash...great food and dinner outside.  When was the last time you got to sit outside for a meal at a crop?
The crop ran so smoothly, I got 12 one pagers and 3 two pagers done for my personal books!  It's a record for me.  If you were at the crop, how many pages did you get done?  Leave me a note in the comments.