At Just Scrappin' crops we play games and always always have challenges. Some are easy, some are...a challenge. This last crop, we had some cool challenges and personally, I try to do all of them. If I can't do them, how can I expect the girls to, right? And if you want to play, I would love to see what you've done with the challenges.
1. Sketch challenge - Use this sketch from for a layout.

2. Use your stash challenge - 1 journaling spot + buttons + flowers + polka dots = 1 layout.

3. Technique challenge - Fold or Pleat RIBBON. Add ribbon to your layout, pleat or fold it and secure it with glue, stitching or staples, adding a fun dimensional effect.

4. Theme Challenge - Use a song title or lyrics, or even better, both title and lyrics for your title/or journaling on a layout.

Up for a challenge?